Apsara's Embrace: A Journey into Ancient Thai Folklore!
Sukulainen kansantarinoiden maailmaan vie meidät Thaimaan 9. vuosisadalta peräisin oleva tarina Apsarasta,... -
The Hare With Many Ears! A Story About Greed and Unexpected Consequences
Egypt in the 16th century was a vibrant tapestry of traditions and folklore, woven into the fabric of everyday life.... -
The Goose Girl - A Tale of Identity, Deception, and Unexpected Triumph!
“The Goose Girl,” originating from Italy sometime around the 2nd century, stands as a captivating testament... -
Keret: Miten Viisaudella Voitetaan Yltiöinen Jube ja Saavutetaan Ikuinen Onni?!
Etiopian kansantaruissa on kiehtova määrä tietoa ihmiskunnan alkulähteistä, moraalista ja yhteiskunnallisista... -
The Blue Bird of Happiness! A Fourteenth-Century French Folk Tale Exploring Themes of Love, Loss, and Perseverance
The fourteenth century saw a flourishing of storytelling across Europe. In France, amidst tales of knights and dragons,... -
The Crane Maiden: A Story of Sacrifice, Love, and Transformation From 7th Century Russia!
“The Crane Maiden” (Finnish: Kurjen Neito) originates from the rich tapestry of Russian folklore, likely dating back to... -
The Rabbit Who Became A Man - Muinaisen Korean kansanloreista kertova tarina ihmisyyden ja luomakunnan välisestä suhteesta!
Muinainen Korea, 4. vuosisata. Aurinko paistoi hedelmällisiin riisipelloihin, joissa talonpojat puursivat kärkkäästi.... -
Wang Ung-Nyon: A Whimsical Tale of Animal Transformation and Unexpected Wisdom!
Korean folklore is a treasure trove of captivating tales, imbued with ancient wisdom, fantastical creatures, and... -
Kwonbok: A Tale of Transformation, Sacrifice, and Unexpected Destiny!
Kwonbok on 10. vuosisadan Korean kielinen kansantarina, joka kietoo kuuntelijansa mukaansa kiehtovalla tarinalla... -
The Tale of Two Frogs! - A Glimpse into 7th Century Indonesian Folklore
Indonesian folklore boasts an abundance of captivating tales steeped in wisdom and moral lessons, passed down through...