Indra dan Surinya! Ylhäinen tarina jumalasta ja auringosta 400-luvulta jKr.
Indonesian folklore on täynnä kiehtovia tarinoita, jotka kertovat jumalista, sankareista ja olennoista. Nämä tarinat... -
The Woodcutter's Wife - A Tale of Perseverance and Unexpected Rewards!
In the tapestry of Indian folklore, woven with threads of ancient wisdom and timeless values, “The... -
The Tongue-Cut Sparrow - A Tale of Compassion, Greed, and Unexpected Consequences!
Japani 1300-luvulla syntyi lukemattomia kansantarinoita, jotka heijastivat aikansa yhteiskunnallista rakennetta,... -
The Tale of the Tikbalang - A Whimsical Journey Through Philippine Folklore!
Tutustu “Tikbalang”-tarinaan, uskomattomaan olentoon joka asuu Filippiinien metsissä ja joka on tunnettu... -
The Valiant Tailor! A Tale of Bravery and Humour Wrapped in Persian Silk
Persian folklore, rich and vibrant like a tapestry woven with threads of history, legend, and wisdom, offers a myriad of... -
The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe! A Glimpse into 18th-Century Mexican Folklore and its Enduring Appeal
Mexican folklore, rich with vibrant narratives passed down through generations, offers a captivating window into the... -
Mikä on A Wizard's Bargain ja miksi se kiehtoo vieläkin 5. vuosisadan jälkeen?
Espanjan kansanperinne pursuaa tarinoita, joissa rohkeat sankarit kohtaavat hirviöitä, taikuutta ja kohtaloa. Nämä... -
Le Fou et le Meunier: A Whimsical Tale About Misguided Help and Unexpected Rewards!
“Le Fou et le Meunier,” a charming 6th-century French folk story, takes us on a journey through comical... -
Green Parrot! - A Glimpse into 15th Century Brazilian Folklore
Legend has it that nestled amongst the lush Amazonian rainforests and vibrant coastal regions of 15th century Brazil,...